Thursday 26 September 2013

Surprise! Early birthday gift from my friend, Hendra

I don't realize that my birthday is coming soon. Yesterday my best friend came to my shop and had a little chit-chat with me. When he's gotta go, he gave me a small shopping bag and said: "here, this is for you", I looked at him and asked: "what is this?", "a birthday present for you, hope you like it", he answered.
I was so surprised and just say thanks to him.
After he left for a few minutes, I carefully opened the gift with a beautiful flowery wrapping paper and a simple goldie ribbon.
cute !
I wonder what's inside! quickly opened it and...
An Alexandre Christie watch! is that true? open the box
Alexandre Christie Passion

He absolutely know my hand's size, this watch is really fix with my hand.
After a few minutes he WeChat me and asked: "Do you like it, I'm really busy when your birthday so I have to give you this time" yeah, of course I like it.. haha, many many thanks. That was a great birthday present and a great surprise too!

I post the photo to Facebook and Blackberry Messenger and my boyfriend said that he bought me the same present but still have a bit different with the watch that Hendra gave me, he hasn't sent it for me (because my boyfriend is at Jakarta). Lol, so this year I received two Alexandre Christie watch~ lucky me


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