Wednesday 23 October 2013

Quick Acnes Vanishing Secrets

Acnes become the number 1 enemy for flawless looking skin (including me, I hate it so much!). Even my skin now begin to drying but acnes still don't wanna let go of me, haha.. Don't know why my face pop out a lot of big acnes and my skin became so dry last month, I'm so stressed of thinking how am I gonna vanish it. If you squeeze the acnes, it will become spot and that's really hard to clear. I tried many ways, I didn't squeeze and even touch it! but it still can't be cleared.

Then I remembered one secret weapon to vanish those ugly acnes, OXY (Benzoyl Peroxide). There are two choice for OXY:
  • OXY 5
For Mild Pimples.
Contains 5% Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne bacteria on the skin and in the pores.
Helps dry excessive oil & unclog pores.
Prevent new pimples from forming.
Greaseless and odorless.

  • OXY 10
For Severe Acne.
For more stubborn cases that do not respond to mild acne treatment.
Contains 10% Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne bacteria on the skin and in the pores.
Helps dry excessive oil & unclog pores.
Prevent new pimples from forming.
Greaseless and odorless.

Wash skin thoroughly and dry well. Shake well before using. Dab on OXY smoothing it into oily pimple areas of face and neck. Apply once daily initially, then twice a day or as directed by a physician.
I purchased OXY 5 because it's neither too strong nor too drying. If you want a quicker vanishing you have to purchase OXY 10 but you must prepare to use product which really hydrating because OXY 10 is too  strong and can cause skin dehydrated or dry. I use Egyptian Magic Cream to moisture my skin.

After 3 nights of using, my acnes fade. Amazing right?
Hope this little secret will help you... Thanks for reading.

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  1. lokasinya dimana sis? klo di Tanjungpinang gw beli di Pinisi ato supermarket 21


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