Monday 28 October 2013

Zino Bubble Mask Review

Since I just finished my eyelid surgery I was not allowed to wash my face as usual for one week, my eyes was forbid to touched with water and shampooing should be in the salon. Because of the reason my dead skin and black or white head was so obvious. My face was absolutely dull.

I found Zino Bubble Mask in online-shop, it says that Zino could clean pore deeply and remove black or white head painlessly. Wow! Really? I need it! Then I purchased it immediately.

Pore Cleansing Treatment in 5 minutes
Developed by Korean Professional Dermatologist and authorized to manufacture. ZINO Bubble Mask is a deep cleansing mask for blackheads and whiteheads. The technology – Oxygen Molecule can remove impurities from pores without stimulation. It offers deep cleansing with soft bubbles and controls oil balance, prevents skin from being glossy with excess sebum and provides the feeling of freshness. It helps absorption of activated ingredients and presents a smooth and moist skin texture. It is also applicable for daily cleansing.

LIKE pore care!

  • Get rid of blackheads painlessly
  • Clear up whitehead
  • Get smaller pores
  • Prevent the pores from becoming bigger
  • Effective oil control

Main ingredients are Lemon extract, Papaya extract, and Lavender extract. 

Application is very easy, after cleansing you face pump generous amount on your finger(it's gel formed) and gently apply it on your T-zone, I apply it all over my face because I know my pore was clogged, haha.. After a few seconds, the translucent gel turns into bubbles! Wow that's really fun. Your skin will suddenly feel fresh, the gel has nice citrus-y smell. Leave the mask for 5 minutes, then rub your face gently with your fingertips after that wash your face with warm water. Don't leave the mask for too long on your face cause it will dry you skin.

Well the results is my skin really feel refreshed and smoother though my blackhead still on my nose, maybe it need time for the blackhead like other reviewers said. You may use the mask 3-4 times a week for serious blackhead treatment and 1-2 times a week for deep pore cleansing.

I love this product, it makes my pore tighten and smooth my skin, I feel gooood~
I really recommend this for who have blackhead troubled and oily skin.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Quick Acnes Vanishing Secrets

Acnes become the number 1 enemy for flawless looking skin (including me, I hate it so much!). Even my skin now begin to drying but acnes still don't wanna let go of me, haha.. Don't know why my face pop out a lot of big acnes and my skin became so dry last month, I'm so stressed of thinking how am I gonna vanish it. If you squeeze the acnes, it will become spot and that's really hard to clear. I tried many ways, I didn't squeeze and even touch it! but it still can't be cleared.

Then I remembered one secret weapon to vanish those ugly acnes, OXY (Benzoyl Peroxide). There are two choice for OXY:
  • OXY 5
For Mild Pimples.
Contains 5% Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne bacteria on the skin and in the pores.
Helps dry excessive oil & unclog pores.
Prevent new pimples from forming.
Greaseless and odorless.

  • OXY 10
For Severe Acne.
For more stubborn cases that do not respond to mild acne treatment.
Contains 10% Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne bacteria on the skin and in the pores.
Helps dry excessive oil & unclog pores.
Prevent new pimples from forming.
Greaseless and odorless.

Wash skin thoroughly and dry well. Shake well before using. Dab on OXY smoothing it into oily pimple areas of face and neck. Apply once daily initially, then twice a day or as directed by a physician.
I purchased OXY 5 because it's neither too strong nor too drying. If you want a quicker vanishing you have to purchase OXY 10 but you must prepare to use product which really hydrating because OXY 10 is too  strong and can cause skin dehydrated or dry. I use Egyptian Magic Cream to moisture my skin.

After 3 nights of using, my acnes fade. Amazing right?
Hope this little secret will help you... Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

My Eyelid Surgery (DST)

"Les yeux sont le miroir de l’âme"  means the eyes are the mirror of soul. Eyes are really important, without eyes we can't see this amazing world. We should be grateful for having given eyes by God. I feel guilty for not taking good care of my eyes, playing games and computer for too long caused my eyes nearsightedness.

As for beauty, I always try my best to achieve better look. Many girls wish to have beautiful eyes, so am I. My eyelids are not twins, they are sisters! one is double eyelid and the other one is single eyelid so I decided to have an eyelid suture.

before (with makeup)
before (with makeup)

after (without makeup)

after (without makeup)

The suture technique (also called DST) is considered a temporary surgery for some patients and has a much quicker recovery period that the incisional technique, but has less predictable results.

About the Suture Technique
The crease is created using surgical thread that is carefully placed in the eyelid. The thread is inserted through tiny incisions that heal very quickly. The thread remains in the eyelid permanently and compresses the eyelid skin to create a crease. Patients can return to work or school the day after surgery as long as they are comfortable with the possibility of mild bruising and swelling that subsided in a few days. While the suture technique is appealing because of it’s shorter recovery time, there are some drawbacks that patients need to consider. Also, it not an ideal technique for patients who are older or who have thick skin.

  • Pros of the Suture Technique
  1. quick recovery time – return to work or school the day after surgery
  2. reversible – if not happy with the way the crease looks, threads can be removed
  • Cons of the Suture Technique
  1. possibility of crease asymmetry
  2. possibility of the crease not forming well in one or both eyes
  3. possibility of the crease falling out over time
  4. not appropriate for who have extra skin in the eyelids
  5. not appropriate for who have thick skin or puffy upper eyelids

I hope mine won't falling out over time so that I don't have to go for surgery again.

Sunday 20 October 2013

My Fatloss Secret

Look at model's picture wondering if I could have this kind of figure too. Good figures always look nice in clothes, it even give ++ point if you wear bikinis! Which girls do not want herself to look attracting?

I was lazy and slack when I am still a student. Every morning my father prepared a glass of full cream milk with milo, many cookies and bread with cheese for my breakfast. At school I lunch 2 portion of instant noodles with soft-boiled eggs(yummy). No workout or doing some sports. My body become fuller and fuller. Look at myself in the mirror really make me sad. :(

 My friend persuade me to go workout in fitness center with him, he paid for me. Two weeks we went to workout together and I see no result, but my body become so fresh. I didn't eat rice, I just eat vegetables, fruit, and some meat. I was 55kg that time, 2 months diet make me lose 5kg. I fall sick and fever for 2weeks, my mum worried about me and insisted me go to workout.

After few months my weight is remain 50kg, I'm so happy. But this still isn't my ideal weight, I tried to do this diet again and no results. Then I tried to take weight lost pills. I tried so many kind of fatloss pills but none of them works. I got interesting with Lida DaiDaiHua because it got so many testimonials and before after picture, sounds amazing and seems guaranteed! Then I try it.
After 2 weeks I consumed this medicine, I lost 5kg! Really amazing from 50kg to 45kg only 2 weeks, no workout and diet. I got my ideal weight and figure although my mum and friends said that I'm too skinny. I stop consume it. One year later I feel that I became fat again because I didn't control my food diet. I want to purchase Lida again, the seller said Lida already stop the market because too many fake Lida. So I didn't purchase.

Then my cousin introduce me Acai Berry, this one did the same as Lida. In 2 weeks I lose 5kg. Acai berry has a lot of benefits, my skin become smooth too!
Now that Acai Berry become my diet supplement.

Change Yourself Because You Worth it

Have you ever been dumped by a boy/girl you like? How is the feeling? 
  • Pain
  • Sad
  • Hurt
  • Heartbreak
  • (of course)

Saturday 19 October 2013

Love, Marriage, and Divorce

"Love is blind"
"Love is patient"
"Love is amazing"
"Love is freedom"
"Love is respectful"
Love could be definite into many thoughts.

I find that 20% people that I know were hurt by "love" but some of them still won't give up on "love". They try their best to achieve their couple's heart to love them like they used to be. 40% were betrayed or betraying, and 10% found that their relationship got so many negative problems so they don't want to go on anymore.

Marriage is happiness, but when couple lives together for a long time the "love feeling" will slowly fade away and become "no feeling". Not all couple, but many of them do. True love is hard to find nowadays.

Divorce become so popular in my country (maybe in all countries). Fall in love in younger age, married by accident (we call it "MBA"), and being betrayed or betraying are the main cause of divorce, because of immature thinking caused the divorce path. One of my cousin divorced after one year marriage, she birth a lovely daughter. Because of her ex-husband is unemployed(too lazy to find a job and lazy to working) and he even didn't care for his wife and daughter's financial needs. After gave birth, my cousin have to work hard and earn money herself to feed her baby and her husband. She decide to divorce, her decision was agreed by her parent and family. Now that she found a new lover, a friend of her ex-husband. In my thought the man is same with her ex-husband, I tried to advise her but she doesn't want to hear my opinion. I hope that my thought wasn't real, I just want her(my cousin) to be happy. Is that love?

What am I going to do?

A real man should have a good income to let his wife and child have a happy life.

I'm confused...

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Sunday 6 October 2013

BRTC Jasmine Waterful CC Cream Review

Hello beauty!
Recently I fall in love with CC cream because of Chanel's. I haven't review about this baby yet. Chanel CC cream become my everyday makeup routine needs.

I discovered BRTC (one of my favourite Korean brands) released Jasmine Waterful CC cream, no more consider I purchased it. BRTC is science based cosmetic brand applied to sensitive skin in a safe and efficient manner, no animal tested, dermatologist approved and certified botancial ingredients.

Let's see...
This CC cream suits for all skin types and sensitive skin. The main formula are Jasmine extract, arbutin, adenosine, grape extract, and blue phyto complex.

Jasmine extract treating dry, brittle, or dehydrated skin, delivers moisture fully
Arbutin achieves skin-lightening or whitening
Adenosine for anti-ageing skin care
Grape extract reduce the severity of skin cancer
Blue phyto complex soothe and heal stressed out skin

As for the sunscreen is SPF50+,PA+++
The higher SPF the more oily it will be. I feel a little bit oily on my skin when I use it.

Unlike Chanel CC cream, this cc cream come with white shade with a hint of lilac. Does it suit with my skin colour? Don't be afraid because of the white shade. The white is speckled with tiny color capsule. Color capsule breaks by rolling and covers to be natural skin tone also correct the skin tone.

Overall I don't really like this CC cream because it's so sheer and has no coverage ability and I look like not wearing anything at all.

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