Saturday 19 October 2013

Love, Marriage, and Divorce

"Love is blind"
"Love is patient"
"Love is amazing"
"Love is freedom"
"Love is respectful"
Love could be definite into many thoughts.

I find that 20% people that I know were hurt by "love" but some of them still won't give up on "love". They try their best to achieve their couple's heart to love them like they used to be. 40% were betrayed or betraying, and 10% found that their relationship got so many negative problems so they don't want to go on anymore.

Marriage is happiness, but when couple lives together for a long time the "love feeling" will slowly fade away and become "no feeling". Not all couple, but many of them do. True love is hard to find nowadays.

Divorce become so popular in my country (maybe in all countries). Fall in love in younger age, married by accident (we call it "MBA"), and being betrayed or betraying are the main cause of divorce, because of immature thinking caused the divorce path. One of my cousin divorced after one year marriage, she birth a lovely daughter. Because of her ex-husband is unemployed(too lazy to find a job and lazy to working) and he even didn't care for his wife and daughter's financial needs. After gave birth, my cousin have to work hard and earn money herself to feed her baby and her husband. She decide to divorce, her decision was agreed by her parent and family. Now that she found a new lover, a friend of her ex-husband. In my thought the man is same with her ex-husband, I tried to advise her but she doesn't want to hear my opinion. I hope that my thought wasn't real, I just want her(my cousin) to be happy. Is that love?

What am I going to do?

A real man should have a good income to let his wife and child have a happy life.

I'm confused...

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